OQRS is closed and all S557E QSOs have been uploaded to LoTW and Club Log and all paper QSL’s have been sent to buro. We hope that our QSL card will be a good addition to your QSL collection. Thank you very much to all who participated our 60th club foundation anniversary on the air celebration. Call: S557E SSB CW RTTY PSK31 band ———————————————- 80m 177 0 0 0 177

Anniversary Special Event Callsign, S557E Members of the Radio club Cerkno, S50E will be active as special event callsign S557E throughout 2017. Activity is to celebrate the 60th club foundation anniversary since year 1957. A special QSL will confirm each contact via the bureau in early 2018. LOG will be uploaded on ARRL LoTW and CLUBLOG on a regular basis. You can claim your QSL card on our S557E OQRS

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