Anniversary Special Event Callsign, S557E

Members of the Radio club Cerkno, S50E will be active as special event callsign S557E throughout 2017. Activity is to celebrate the 60th club foundation anniversary since year 1957. A special QSL will confirm each contact via the bureau in early 2018. LOG will be uploaded on ARRL LoTW and CLUBLOG on a regular basis. You can claim your QSL card on our S557E OQRS which is much preferred. For those who want to send card direct mail please send SASE with 2 IRC or 2 USD to cover return postage to QSL manager Miran Vončina S50O, Cvetkova 35, 5282 Cerkno, Slovenia with priority return when getting cards from the printer. Cards with insufficient postage or no return envelope will be returned via the QSL bureau.


1957 – 2017

Currently Radio club Cerkno manage the following callsigns and amateur radio services:

  • S557E – 60th club foundation anniversary since year 1957 special event callsign
  • S50E – DX & CONTEST station Črni Vrh nad Cerknim 1.297m (4.255 ft.) asl
  • S53IXY – Radio klub Cerkno, Bevkova 22, 5282 Cerkno
  • S59DRL – section Kričač Ljubljana
  • S50CLX – DX Cluster
  • S50EDX- Echolink
  • S55YCV – Packet digipeater
  • TELETEXT – RTV Slovenija Teletext page number 597 with three sub pages


Radio club Cerkno, S50E Črni vrh nad Cerknim, 1300 m asl

Radio club Cerkno, S50E Črni vrh nad Cerknim, 1300 m asl

Radio club Cerkno, S50E Črni vrh nad Cerknim, 1300 m asl


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