Only a few months after rebuilding the Marko’s S50K Kal, Idrijske Krnice station all antennas were destroyed in sleet on 4th december 2014 again!!! S50K station Kal, Idrijske Krnice – september 2014 S50K station Kal, Idrijske Krnice – 5th december 2014  

Ledeni oklep februar 2014

GEM, GLOBAL EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS incident database: Since 31st January Slovenia has been affected by extreme cold weather such as blizzards, heavy snow and sleet This has caused the collapse of power lines under the weight of ice, snow and falling trees with electricity disruptions now affecting 250,000 people (25% of households). The restoration of electricity supply is being made difficult by the continuing bad weather. This has prompted Slovenia to

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CQ World Wide DX Con

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