S55CERKNO in CQ WW RTTY DX Contest 2012

We were active the last weekend of September 2012 in CQ World Wide RTTY DX Contest using S55CERKNO special event callsign. Soapbox: Only halftime on the air due qrl obligations. It was funny to see many who did not belive their decoding programs when getting our callsign even with the perfect print. Soon into the contest we figured out that S&P this time would be mission impossible with tons of

QSL cards for special event callsign

The design for the first batch of 5000 special event callsign QSL cards is complete and printing will start shortly. Many thanks to Dragan Selan, S55Z from S5TEHNIKA.net d.o.o. and Avtomatika Online helping us to develop and design the QSL card project. If you need high quality QSL cards at lower price call or email to Dragan, S55Z. We would like to express our sincere thanks to our sponsors Infrax

Člani Radiokluba Cerkno, S50E bomo v letu 2012 v znak počastitve 55 obletnice ustanovitve uporabljali posebna klicna znaka S555E in S55CERKNO. Več na povezavi SPECIAL EVENT CALLSIGN … Members of the Radioclub Cerkno, S50E will be active as special event callsign S555E and S55CERKNO throughout 2012 activity is to celebrate the 55th club foundation anniversary. More on SPECIAL EVENT CALLSIGN page … S55CERKNO recorded on 20m SSB (OP Miran, S50O)

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