Klubski QSL biro

Pravilo je, da ima vsak radioamater QSL kartico. Pošiljanje QSL kartic za vzpostavljene zveze je eno izmed osnovnih pravil radioamaterske morale. Izmenjujejo se na osnovi dogovora v radijski zvezi: preko QSL biroja, preko QSL managerjev ali pa z običajno pošto. Pošiljanje kartic preko QSL biroja je najenostavnejša, vendar moramo vedeti, da ta način velja le za člane nacionalnih radioamaterskih organizacij. Skoraj večina DX odprav in nekatere DX postaje imajo organiziran

All QSL cards for each contact with S555E and S55CERKNO special event callsigns, total count of 13.335 QSO, have been sent away on 3rd april 2013 via bureau. So if you are waiting on a QSL card from us, it is on it’s way. OQRS is closed, full log for both callsigns have been also uploded to LoTW. Thank you very much to all who participated our 55th club foundation

Final review S50E 2012 special event callsigns

All QSL cards for each contact with S555E and S55CERKNO special event callsigns, total count of 13.335 QSO, have been sent away on 3rd april 2013 via bureau. So if you are waiting on a QSL card from us, it is on it’s way. OQRS is closed, full log for both callsigns have been also uploded to LoTW. A special full color QSL card will confirm each contact, cards will

QSL cards for special event callsign

The design for the first batch of 5000 special event callsign QSL cards is complete and printing will start shortly. Many thanks to Dragan Selan, S55Z from S5TEHNIKA.net d.o.o. and Avtomatika Online helping us to develop and design the QSL card project. If you need high quality QSL cards at lower price call or email to Dragan, S55Z. We would like to express our sincere thanks to our sponsors Infrax

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CQ World Wide DX Con

The English translation of the original article is below the ...

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