S500E Special Event Callsign

Members of the Radio Club Cerkno will be active as special event callsign S500E throughout 2020. Activity is to mark half a million QSO’s made from the S50E – JN76AD station. A special QSL will confirm each contact via the bureau in early 2021. All QSO’s will be uploaded to ARRL’s LoTW and Club Log on a regular basis. You can request QSL card over Club Log Online QSL Requests

  S5 90 RTVS posebni pozivni znak naših radioamaterjev ob praznovanju visokega jubileja RTV Slovenija Letos  Radiotelevizija Slovenija praznuje častitljiv jubilej – 90 let prvega predvajanja radijskega programa in 60 let prve televizijske oddaje. Prvi poskusni program Radia Slovenija je bil predvajan  1. septembra 1928  (prvi preizkusi segajo že v leto 1924).  Oddaja je bila predvajana na valovni dolžini 578 metrov z močjo 2,5 kW, rojstni dan televizije pa mu

OQRS is closed and all S557E QSOs have been uploaded to LoTW and Club Log and all paper QSL’s have been sent to buro. We hope that our QSL card will be a good addition to your QSL collection. Thank you very much to all who participated our 60th club foundation anniversary on the air celebration. Call: S557E SSB CW RTTY PSK31 band ———————————————- 80m 177 0 0 0 177

Anniversary Special Event Callsign, S557E Members of the Radio club Cerkno, S50E will be active as special event callsign S557E throughout 2017. Activity is to celebrate the 60th club foundation anniversary since year 1957. A special QSL will confirm each contact via the bureau in early 2018. LOG will be uploaded on ARRL LoTW and CLUBLOG on a regular basis. You can claim your QSL card on our S557E OQRS

S567O special callsign

18-FEB-2015 All QSL cards for each contact with S567O special event callsign are on the way to QSL bureau. OQRS is closed full log have been uploded to LoTW. Thank you for working S567O on the bands! Special callsign S567O will be active on all bands during year of 2014. Activity is to celebrate our longterm president S50O who has been granted the first amateur radio license in 1967. In

Prispevek članov Radio kluba Cerkno, S50E v okviru promocije EuroBasket 2013 Slovenija. S561EB prosti znak nam je bil dodeljen naknadno z dnem 1-SEP-2013. Call:   S546EB First logged QSO: 13-AUG-2013 0349 GMT Last logged QSO: 22-SEP-2013 1545 GMT Operators: Miran S50O – Danilo S50U – Janez S51J – Tone S54E         SSB      CW    RTTY    band 40m     525       3     135     663

Members of the Radio club Cerkno, S50E will be active on the amateur radio frequencies signing special event callsigns S546EB and S561EB celebrating European Basketball Championships EuroBasket 2013 which will be held in Slovenia in September 2013. S561EB EuroBasket 2013 Slovenia Op. Miran S50O on 14200.0 kHz SSB (Thanks S50U) [audio:https://s50e.si/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/s561eb_ssb.mp3|titles=S561EB EuroBasket 2013 Op. Miran S50O on 14200.0 kHz SSB] S546EB EuroBasket 2013 Slovenia Op. Janez S51J on 14028.8 kHz

All QSL cards for each contact with S555E and S55CERKNO special event callsigns, total count of 13.335 QSO, have been sent away on 3rd april 2013 via bureau. So if you are waiting on a QSL card from us, it is on it’s way. OQRS is closed, full log for both callsigns have been also uploded to LoTW. Thank you very much to all who participated our 55th club foundation

Final review S50E 2012 special event callsigns

All QSL cards for each contact with S555E and S55CERKNO special event callsigns, total count of 13.335 QSO, have been sent away on 3rd april 2013 via bureau. So if you are waiting on a QSL card from us, it is on it’s way. OQRS is closed, full log for both callsigns have been also uploded to LoTW. A special full color QSL card will confirm each contact, cards will

QSL cards for special event callsign

The design for the first batch of 5000 special event callsign QSL cards is complete and printing will start shortly. Many thanks to Dragan Selan, S55Z from S5TEHNIKA.net d.o.o. and Avtomatika Online helping us to develop and design the QSL card project. If you need high quality QSL cards at lower price call or email to Dragan, S55Z. We would like to express our sincere thanks to our sponsors Infrax

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