S567O special callsign

14. januarja 2014
Objavil: s50u

All QSL cards for each contact with S567O special event callsign are on the way to QSL bureau. OQRS is closed full log have been uploded to LoTW. Thank you for working S567O on the bands!

Special callsign S567O will be active on all bands during year of 2014. Activity is to celebrate our longterm president S50O who has been granted the first amateur radio license in 1967. In Radio club Cerkno, S50E the amateur radio come to life with the arrival of Miran Vončina, S50O.

Cards will be ready to print by end of 2014 and shipped soon after. For those who want to send card direct please send SASE with 2$ to Radio club Cerkno, P.O. BOX 16, 5282 Cerkno, Slovenia with priority return when getting cards from the printer. Cards without return postage will be returned via the bureau. All QSOs will be verified via bureau & LoTW.

Many thanks to Dragan Selan, S55Z from HAMTech – Toys for real Contesters & DXers helping us to develop and design the QSL card project. If you need high quality QSL cards at lower price call or email to Dragan, S55Z.

Log Search:
To search your callsign in the S567O special event station log in the form below enter your callsign used during your QSO. If your QSO is not displayed and you are sure you made a valid QSO please send an email to us using email send form with complete details of your QSO (UTC Date/Time, Exact Frequency, Mode) and we will check if a mistake was made during log entry or upload. You can easily ask for direct QSL card over OQRS (Online QSL Requests) which allow you to request direct card from CLUBLOG search page, without sending us a physical card.

Photo 1: Miran Vončina, S50O (ex S59VM,  YU3TKT) hamradio operator since 1967. Photo was taken at Radio club Idrija, S59EYZ in late 60’s.

Photo 2: Miran Vončina, S50O (ex S59VM, YU3TKT) running his YAESU FT-200 transceiver for HF 80 through 10 meters with external VFO FV-200 and All mode HF linear amplifier FL-2100 in early seventies.

Photo 3: Sunset at the S50E radioclub station 1300 m asl SKI CENTER CERKNO best Slovenian ski resort for seasons 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13


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