Pogovor med Nušo in Bogomirjem Rejc, S59X o radioamaterstvu objavljenem v literarnem glasilu učencev zavoda Osnovne šole Cerkno MLADA RAST. Ste se že kdaj spraševali, čemu služijo antene na smučišču Črni vrh? O tem sem se pogovarjala z očetom, Bogomirjem Rejcem, ki se z radioamaterstvom ukvarja že 32 let. Kaj je radioamaterstvo? To je ljubiteljsko ukvarjanje z radiom oziroma radiotehniko. Radioamaterji vzpostavljamo radijske zveze širom celega sveta. Prisotni smo v…
Archive for the ‘Neuvrščeni’ Category
Congratulations to Radioklub Cerkno member Dan, S50U for the amazing achievement to confirm 300 in the ARRL DXCC 160 Meters award. He is the first Slovenian to achieve 300 level with his last submission giving him 300 confirmed on 160 Meters. If you have chased DX on Top Band for any length of time you’ve no doubt competed with S50U many, many times for those tough, rare 160 Meters QSOs.…
GEM, GLOBAL EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS incident database: Since 31st January Slovenia has been affected by extreme cold weather such as blizzards, heavy snow and sleet This has caused the collapse of power lines under the weight of ice, snow and falling trees with electricity disruptions now affecting 250,000 people (25% of households). The restoration of electricity supply is being made difficult by the continuing bad weather. This has prompted Slovenia to…
18-FEB-2015 All QSL cards for each contact with S567O special event callsign are on the way to QSL bureau. OQRS is closed full log have been uploded to LoTW. Thank you for working S567O on the bands! Special callsign S567O will be active on all bands during year of 2014. Activity is to celebrate our longterm president S50O who has been granted the first amateur radio license in 1967. In…
V letu 2013 smo na klubski postojanki Radio kluba Cerkno, S50E Črni Vrh nad Cerknim prenovili celoten antenski sistem. Trenutno stanje je sedemnajst (17) delujočih anten za HF, VHF, UHF radioamaterska področja. Obnovljene antene so izpolnila vsa pričakovanja glede samega delovanja upamo, da bodo kljubovale izjemno težkim vremenskim razmeram na klubski visokogorski postojanki 1.300 m nadmorske višine. Specifikacija trenutno postavljenih anten po stolpih je sledeča: 1. Visoki stolp – 5…
Prispevek članov Radio kluba Cerkno, S50E v okviru promocije EuroBasket 2013 Slovenija. S561EB prosti znak nam je bil dodeljen naknadno z dnem 1-SEP-2013. Call: S546EB First logged QSO: 13-AUG-2013 0349 GMT Last logged QSO: 22-SEP-2013 1545 GMT Operators: Miran S50O – Danilo S50U – Janez S51J – Tone S54E SSB CW RTTY band 40m 525 3 135 663…
Members of the Radio club Cerkno, S50E will be active on the amateur radio frequencies signing special event callsigns S546EB and S561EB celebrating European Basketball Championships EuroBasket 2013 which will be held in Slovenia in September 2013. S561EB EuroBasket 2013 Slovenia Op. Miran S50O on 14200.0 kHz SSB (Thanks S50U) [audio:https://s50e.si/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/s561eb_ssb.mp3|titles=S561EB EuroBasket 2013 Op. Miran S50O on 14200.0 kHz SSB] S546EB EuroBasket 2013 Slovenia Op. Janez S51J on 14028.8 kHz…
Miran, S50O je končal delo z antenami na malem antenskem stolpu. Naj nove antene zadovoljivo služijo svojemu namenu. Nove antene na stolpu so : – 50 MHz 6 elementov YU7EF yagi, – 70 MHz 6 elementov YU7EF yagi, – 144 MHz 9 elementov ECO yagi, – 432 MHz 23 elementov Tonna yagi, – 1296 MHz 55 elementov Tonna yagi
All QSL cards for each contact with S555E and S55CERKNO special event callsigns, total count of 13.335 QSO, have been sent away on 3rd april 2013 via bureau. So if you are waiting on a QSL card from us, it is on it’s way. OQRS is closed, full log for both callsigns have been also uploded to LoTW. Thank you very much to all who participated our 55th club foundation…
All QSL cards for each contact with S555E and S55CERKNO special event callsigns, total count of 13.335 QSO, have been sent away on 3rd april 2013 via bureau. So if you are waiting on a QSL card from us, it is on it’s way. OQRS is closed, full log for both callsigns have been also uploded to LoTW. A special full color QSL card will confirm each contact, cards will…