Archive for 2014

Only a few months after rebuilding the Marko’s S50K Kal, Idrijske Krnice station all antennas were destroyed in sleet on 4th december 2014 again!!! S50K station Kal, Idrijske Krnice – september 2014 S50K station Kal, Idrijske Krnice – 5th december 2014  

IG9/S50O Lampedusa Is. AF-019

UPDATED 27-OCT-2014: CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB Call: IO9Y Operator(s): S59M S57DX S57UN S53Z S57XX S53T S50O HB9OCR EA4AK PD1RP R3XX Station: IO9Y Class: M/S LP QTH: lAMPEDUSA iSLAND Operating Time (hrs): 48 Summary: Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries —————————— 160:  110     6       43 80:  168     8       51 40:  237    14       65 20:  600    27      102 15:  940    31      103 10: 1842    34      130 —————————— Total: 3897   120      494  Total Score

Moj ata radioamater

Pogovor med Nušo in Bogomirjem Rejc, S59X o radioamaterstvu objavljenem v literarnem glasilu učencev zavoda Osnovne šole Cerkno MLADA RAST. Ste se že kdaj spraševali, čemu služijo antene na smučišču Črni vrh? O tem sem se pogovarjala z očetom, Bogomirjem Rejcem, ki se z radioamaterstvom ukvarja že 32 let. Kaj je radioamaterstvo? To je ljubiteljsko ukvarjanje z radiom oziroma radiotehniko. Radioamaterji vzpostavljamo radijske zveze širom celega sveta. Prisotni smo v

Congratulations to Radioklub Cerkno member Dan, S50U for the amazing achievement to confirm 300 in the ARRL DXCC 160 Meters award. He is the first Slovenian to achieve 300 level with his last submission giving him 300 confirmed on 160 Meters. If you have chased DX on Top Band for any length of time you’ve no doubt competed with S50U many, many times for those tough, rare 160 Meters QSOs.

Ledeni oklep februar 2014

GEM, GLOBAL EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS incident database: Since 31st January Slovenia has been affected by extreme cold weather such as blizzards, heavy snow and sleet This has caused the collapse of power lines under the weight of ice, snow and falling trees with electricity disruptions now affecting 250,000 people (25% of households). The restoration of electricity supply is being made difficult by the continuing bad weather. This has prompted Slovenia to

S567O special callsign

18-FEB-2015 All QSL cards for each contact with S567O special event callsign are on the way to QSL bureau. OQRS is closed full log have been uploded to LoTW. Thank you for working S567O on the bands! Special callsign S567O will be active on all bands during year of 2014. Activity is to celebrate our longterm president S50O who has been granted the first amateur radio license in 1967. In

Zadnje objave

Periodična tabela r

Periodična tabela radioamaterskih tekmovanj v letu 2025, ki jo je ...

Amateur Radio S50CLX

  Radioamaterski (Ham Radio) S50CLX DX Cluster spotting server prepis je ...

S51B/PM Pedestrian M

Anka, Tadeja in člani Radio kluba Cerkno Danilo S50U, Boris ...

CQWW RTTY 2024 tekmo

S51J: Pravzaprav sem se zadnji trenutek odločil, da bom startal na ...

Radioamaterski kamp

 Zaradi drugih obveznosti mlajših udeležencev, smo se tokrat dobili samo ...

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