Sobotni dan smo jaz in moja mularija izkoristili za pohod na Blegoš. In ker je to tudi SOTA vrh, je z mano romal novi ELECRAFT KX2 in doma narejena vertikalka za 20m. Bilo je sončno in manj mraz kot v dolini, na vrhu pa je pihal rahel vetrič, ki pa je dal večji občutek mraza kot je bila temperature sicer. Ker je bil to bolj družinski izlet, nisem prav dolgo radioamaterčil, toliko da sem preiskusil novo pridobitev. 9 zvez v logu je bilo dovolj, da sem ugotovil da bo treba še potrenirati s CW ročko, nameščeno na samo ohišje. Pa tudi dobro naštudirati vse možne nastavitve, ki jih je kar nekaj. Tudi sami ergonomiji delovnega okolja bo treba posvetiti malo več pozornosti, da bo delo teklo bolj tekoče in brez zapletov.
Janez – S51J
KX2 Transceiver Specifications
• 80-10 meter ham bands; general coverage receive from 3-32.0MHz (also covers 0.5 to 3 MHz with reduced sensitivity)
• All modes: SSB, CW, and Data (four sub-modes)
• Ultra-compact size: 2.8”H x 5.8”W x 1.5”D; 13 oz (less options); low-profile knobs and feet for minimum height
• Rear tilt foot provides 3-point mount for rugged terrain
• Custom high-contrast LCD with alphanumeric text display
• Current drain as low as 135 mA in receive mode
• High-performance 32-bit floating-point DSP
• Built-in PSK/TTY decode/encode allows data mode operation without a PC; transmit in data modes using CW keyer paddle
• Synthesizer has 1-Hz tuning resolution
• Integrated numeric keypad for direct frequency entry
• Software-defined-radio (SDR) architecture for versatility
• Switchable preamp and attenuator
• 8-band RX EQ
• Simultaneous dual receive over up to +/- 23 kHz for split-DX operation
• Built-in speaker; stereo jack for headphones or powered speakers
• Easy-to-use Passband Tuning (PBT) for shift/width/hicut/locut; roofing filters automatically track DSP filter settings
• Auto-notch removes interfering carriers; adjustable noise reduction and noise blanking; stereo audio effect
• Center-tuning indicator for CW and data modes; auto-spot
• Up to 10 W on 80-15 m, 8 W on 12 and 10 m (typ.)
• 100 W with KXPA100 amplifier
• Rugged, SWR- and temperature-protected final amplifier stage
• Use with built-in mic or MH3 (with UP/DN VFO functions)
• Optional KXPD2 keyer paddle with adjustable contact spacing; easily removable for transport; built-in allen wrench storage
• CW keyer with 8-50 WPM range; fast, full-break-in keying
• Built-in digital voice recorder (DVR) with 2 message memories
• Three CW/DATA message memories
• Fast, silent, PIN-diode T-R switching – no noisy relays
• DSP speech processing for excellent “punch”
• 8-band TX EQ tailors passband to your voice and microphone
• General-purpose and per-band memories store VFOs, modes, etc.
• Computer control via supplied USB or RS232 cable
• Free firmware updates via provided application software
• Programmable switch (PFn) for access to an often-used menu entry
• Full remote-control command set works with popular computer soft – ware applications
• Selectable switch-press tones or full Morse code-based interface
• Tutorial-style manual ideal for new hams