S55CERKNO in CQ WW RTTY DX Contest 2012

2. oktobra 2012
Objavil: s50u

We were active the last weekend of September 2012 in CQ World Wide RTTY DX Contest using S55CERKNO special event callsign. Soapbox:

Only halftime on the air due qrl obligations. It was funny to see many who did not belive their decoding programs when getting our callsign even with the perfect print. Soon into the contest we figured out that S&P this time would be mission impossible with tons of repeats. First impression is that if your callsign isn’t listed in the databases and because of that your callsign isn’t painted with a variety of beautiful colors then you simply do not exist specially in the RTTY contesting world. Nice to print old friends on wide open bands. S55CERKNO special event callsign is in use to mark the 55th radio club Cerkno foundation anniversary. Please find more with QSL info by browsing our site at https://s50e.si
CUL Dan, S50U

Contest: CQ World Wide DX Contest
Callsign: S55CERKNO
Mode: RTTY
Category: Multi Operator – Single Transmitter (MS)
Class: High Power (HP)

80 190 10 36 18 416 2.19
40 170 12 40 26 415 2.44
20 253 21 46 35 640 2.53
15 357 24 51 46 937 2.62
10 464 29 57 48 1256 2.71
TOTAL 1434 96 230 173 3664 2.56

TOTAL SCORE : 1 828 336

Dupes are not included in QSO counts neither avg calculations

Operators       : S50U, S54E

S55CERKNO – Continents By band – All modes QSOs (with dupes)

80 78.6% 20.8%   0.5%    
40 55.3% 38.8%     5.3% 0.6%
20 45.7% 44.5% 2.0% 0.4% 6.7% 0.8%
15 36.2% 37.9% 1.4% 0.6% 22.6% 1.4%
10 27.5% 55.9% 1.5% 0.4% 13.9% 0.9%


S55CERKNO CQ WW RTTY 2012 - operating desk Tone, S54E

S55CERKNO CQ WW RTTY 2012 – operating desk Tone, S54E

1 komentar do sedaj.

  1. Kazu M0CFW/JK3GAD pravi:

    Nice callsign to celebrate your club’s 55th anniversary!
    Your signal is quite strong here in UK and thanks for QSO.
    It was 12 years ago Yoshi and I operated WRTC.
    It is time to digitise VHS video “S50E &WRTC2000”. 🙂
    Wish your club’s success and see you on another contest!

    73 Kazu JK3GAD, M0CFW, S527K (with JH4NMT)


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