Ledeni oklep februar 2014

2. februarja 2014
Objavil: s50u


Since 31st January Slovenia has been affected by extreme cold weather such as blizzards, heavy snow and sleet This has caused the collapse of power lines under the weight of ice, snow and falling trees with electricity disruptions now affecting 250,000 people (25% of households). The restoration of electricity supply is being made difficult by the continuing bad weather. This has prompted Slovenia to request assistance from the European Union for mobile electric power generators with a capacity of 100-300+ kVA. Within Slovenia, some radio amateurs are assisting with operations on a local community level due to problems with the mobile phone and professional radio networks. At the time of writing, no national request for assistance has been received but Slovenian Radio Amateurs are preparing to respond if required. The European Union Civil Protection Mechanism has asked for assistance from nearby European states with Germany, the Czech republic and Austria providing generators and assistance. Because of uncertainty whether the Austrian teams responding to Slovenia will be able to communicate back to their home bases, the Austrian Fire Departments have asked Austrian Emergency Communicators to provide a link between Austria and Slovenia using Pactor/Winlink. Gregor, OE1VGC the Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator for Austria asks all European Radio amateurs to keep clear of the following frequencies and services which are being used to support these links.
S51SLO 3.644MHz
OE3XEC 3.608 and 3.617MHz
OE6XPD 3.601MHz
Information on the European Union response can be found at http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-14-102_en.htm

2. FEBRUAR 2014
Dostop do visokogorskih postojank članov radiokluba Cerkno, S50E je trenutno nemogoč po prvih podatkih je v veliki meri uničen antenski sistem na Vojskem, Idrijskih Krnicah. Več podatkov bomo objavili takoj, ko bo to mogoče oziroma ko bo dostop do postojank varen!

POSTOJANKA ČRNI VRH, JN76ad 1291 m asl – 4. FEBRUAR 2014
Razen potrgane žice reflektorja 2 el. 80 m wire beama in uničenega koaxialnega baluna 10 m fiksne yagi za JA so antene na klubski postojanki Črni Vrh nad Cerknim S50E, zaenkrat zdržale! Hvala Miranu, S50O za fotografije ob vzponu na hrib po smučarski progi, kjer je ta trenutek najbolj varno hoditi! (foto: S50O)

POSTOJANKA GORSKI VRH (S50U & S54E), JN66wd 950 m asl – 8. FEBRUAR 2014
Uničen RX sistem 6x beverage anten dolžine od 300 do 350 m vsaka v skupni dolžini 2,0 km, potrgan radial pri 4SQ žični vertikalki za 80 m. Kakšna je bila debelina ledu na elementih, boomu yagi anten lahko vidite na prvih treh posnetkih. Kmetija pri Štrinu kakor tudi ostale kmetije v okolici so še vedno na napajanju iz agregata. Poleg gozda je zelo poškodovano tudi sadno drevje. (foto: S50U, S54E)

POSTOJANKA VOJSKO (S58D), JN66wa 1120 m asl – 8. FEBRUAR 2014
Na utrganih žicah je možno videti kakšna je bila debelina oklepa (6-8 cm). Veter je pihal s severa in na severni strani anten se je žled začel nabirati bolj kot na drugi strani. Zaradi tega so vse antene zvrnjene proti severni strani. Niti en element na vseh antenah ni ostal cel. (foto: S58D, S50O)

POSTOJANKA IDRIJSKE KRNICE (S50K), JN66xb 1056 m asl – 8. FEBRUAR 2014
No coment. Damage, cost and lot of work. (foto: S50K)


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