Telnet uses the Telnet protocol as part of the TCP/IP protocol suite to connect to a remote computer over a network. In some daily Amateur Radio Logbook and Contest programs the telnet connection to the S50CLX DX Cluster can be selected simply from a embedded list. If your software does not include S50CLX in the list you can manually enter it in the settings in Address and Port 41112

V nekaterih programih za vsakodnevni radioamaterski dnevnik zvez ter tekmovalnih programih je povezovanje s telnet protokolom na S50CLX DX Cluster možno izbrati že iz seznama. Če vaša programska oprema v seznamu ne vključuje S50CLX ga ročno vnesite v nastavitvah v  Naslovu (Address) in Vrata (Port) 41112

CQ World Wide DX Contest S50CLX DXSpider cluster filter pravila.

CQWW DX CONTEST – S50CLX cluster filtering examples. To connect to the S50CLX cluster via the Internet you need to telnet to telnet:// Telnet access requires a login with the amateur’s call sign.

S5 kratki val KV band plan

Slovenski S5 band plan temelji na pasovnem načrtu IARU Region 1 HF. The S5 band plan is based on IARU Region 1 HF band plan. Avtor Tom S56G

Zapisnik sestanka UO RK Cerkno 3. marec 2023

Zadnje objave

Amateur Radio S50CLX

  Radioamaterski (Ham Radio) S50CLX DX Cluster spotting server prepis je ...

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Radioamaterski kamp

 Zaradi drugih obveznosti mlajših udeležencev, smo se tokrat dobili samo ...

Radioamaterski kamp

Za letošnji kamp so potrdili svojo udeležbo Miha – S54MC, ...

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