Congratulations to Radioklub Cerkno member Dan, S50U for the amazing achievement to confirm 300 in the ARRL DXCC 160 Meters award. He is the first Slovenian to achieve 300 level with his last submission giving him 300 confirmed on 160 Meters. If you have chased DX on Top Band for any length of time you’ve no doubt competed with S50U many, many times for those tough, rare 160 Meters QSOs.
On 5th Februar 2006 Dan, S50U worked Walt, W7SE from Wyoming as his last state for 160 meters WAS #854 Worked All States award sponsored by the American Radio Relay League as first 160 meters WAS in Slovenia. Dan have also worked and confirmed all 40 CQ Zones with 160 Meters WAZ #195 Worked All Zones award granted to him on 24. March 2004.
All 160 meters DXCC QSL cards are safely stored in a photo album. When I talk to someone about my hobby, it is quite easy to play show and tell with the cards displayed like this, Dan said.

Mirek, VK6DXI near Perth, Australia recorded Dan, S50U on 160 Meters
Dan, you had an outstanding signal on 160 meters last night. Conditions were rather poor, but you still managed to bend my S meter needle. When I gave you RST 599, you sort of did not believe me. How about a proof of a solid 599 report?

Dan, S50U is a signal with static, atmospheric noise… one with craches

Danilo Brelih, S50U achieved 300 level DXCC 160 Meters

Danilo Brelih, S50U DXCC 160 Meters photo album


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